Sprachschule Douala
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Sprachschule Douala
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Sprachschule Douala
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The SLZ-Douala, official partner of the Goethe Institute in Cameroon, is a centre of reference and excellence for the German language course. Our goals are:

  • helping youths and adults to communicate in German
  • teaching people about the German culture by offering language courses at different levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

We have modern teaching rooms, a multimedia room with broadband internet and a very well-appointed library. All students at the University of Douala in the faculty of “German language and literature studies” are allowed to use our library.

History of SLZ Douala

The SLZ or „Sprachlernzentrum Douala“(Language Centre in Douala) originated from a cooperation between the Goethe Institute in Cameroon and the Deutsch-Kamerunischer Kulturverein (German and Cameroonian Cultural Association). The latter of which was created by 3 friends and colleagues in 1994: Marie-Noelle Ntouba Ngolle, Jérôme Amougou Ada and Jean Kouny. Their objective was to promote the German and Cameroonian cultures through language courses, cultural events and conversations among young people.

In 1998, 4 years after the founding, the language centre was officially recognised.  10 years later, SLZ Douala achieved some important goals:

  • It is one of the laureates of the Goethe Institute’s competition “Werkstatt EXPO 2000-Wasserwelten”
  • It presented a film in 2000 at the EXPO 2000 in Hannover
  • To this day it has taught 4000 Cameroonian students and businessmen and women
  • In 1994 it organised a gala evening with Cameroonian and German culinary specialities.

Our Partners

Our Partners

The SLZ-Douala, whose strength leans on its know-how and its vast network of contacts in and out of Cameroon is proud to be the only german linguistic center in the sub-saharian Africa to have signed a partnership with the Goethe-Institute, which is worldwide leader in the german language course domain.

It is a real “Made in Germany”.


Leiterin/-er der Sprachabteilung

am Sprachlernzentrum-Douala (SLZ-Douala) 

Beschäftigungsumfang 50%

Vergütung gemäß örtlichem Vergütungsschema 

Please note that this job advertisement is published in German only, as a very good proficiency of German is required to apply.


Das SLZ-Douala ist eine unpolitische und gemeinnützige Organisation, dessen Kernaufgabe in der Förderung der deutsch-kamerunischen Beziehungen und der Plattformbildung für den interkulturellen Dialog in Kamerun und anderen afrikanischen Ländern besteht. Seit 2008 ist das SLZ-Douala offizieller Kooperationspartner des Goethe-Instituts.  

Wir suchen ab sofort eine/-n engagierte/-n Kollegin/-en als Leiterin/-er der Sprachabteilung am SLZ-Douala mit einem befristeten Vertrag für eine Dauer von zwei Jahren mit Aussicht auf Verlängerung.

Vergütung erfolgt gemäß dem örtlichen Vergütungsschema. 

Ihr Aufgabengebiet umfasst im Wesentlichen folgende:

  • Planung, Organisation und Berichtswesen des Sprachkursangebots einschl. betriebswirtschaftlicher Aspekte
  • Planung, Führung und Kontrolle des Personaleinsatzes für Sprachkursbetrieb, einschl. Hospitationen und interner Fortbildung
  • Einführung oder Erweiterung von neuen Kursformaten (u.a. Blended Learning, Online Kurse, Sommercamps) für neue Kundengruppen (z.B. für Firmen, Jugendliche und Kinder)
  • Identifizierung von Material- und Lehrmittelbedarf sowie Materialentwicklung
  • Bestellung und Überwachung der Lehrmittel und Materialverwaltung
  • Qualitätsmanagement Sprachkursbetrieb
  • Akquisition, Kundenberatung, Marketing und Öffentlichkeitarbeit für Sprachkurse und Werbemaßnahmen
  • Persönliche, telefonische und schriftliche Beratung und Auskünfte auf Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch zu allen Sprachkursen
  • Allgemeine Büroarbeiten 


  • Sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse (mindestens Niveau C1) oder Muttersprachler*in
  • Ein Universitätsabschluss in Germanistik oder Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF und/oder einer anderen Fremdsprachenphilologie
  • Erfahrung in der Leitung eines Sprachkursbetriebs, bzw. Bereitschaft sich rasch einzuarbeiten
  • Prüferzertifikat oder die Bereitschaft dieses abzulegen
  • Erfahrungen im DaF Unterricht für Erwachsene
  • Vertrautheit mit einem breiten Spektrum an aktuellen Unterrichtsmaterialien für DaF
  • Landeskundliche Kenntnisse Deutschland und Kamerun erwünscht
  • Kenntnisse und Handhabung aller geläufigen MS Office-Softwareprodukte, insbesondere Excel, Word und Teams
  • Hohe soziale und interkulturelle Kompetenz
  • Hohe Belastbarkeit und Teamfähigkeit
  • Sehr gute Deutsch und Englischkenntnisse


Wir bieten:

  • Ein attraktives Arbeitsumfeld
  • Eine ortsübliche Vergütung und einen Arbeitsvertrag nach örtlichem Recht (keine Auslandszuschläge)
  • Ggf. die Übernahme der Kosten für eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung
  • Regionaler und internationaler Austausch innerhalb des Goethe-Netzwerkes


Bei Interesse senden Sie bitte die folgenden Bewerbungsunterlagen in einer PDF:

  • Einen tabellarischen Lebenslauf
  • Abschlusszeugnis der Berufsausbildung oder der Universität
  • Motivationsschreiben
  • Nachweis über sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse

an Marie Noelle Ntouba Ngolle, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., mit dem Betreff "LS SLZ-Dla 2024"

Die Bewerbungsfrist für diese Ausschreibung endet mit Ablauf des 22.04.2024

Wichtiger Hinweis zum Bewerbungsverfahren:

Es werden nur vollständige Bewerbungen berücksichtigt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur vorselektierte Kandidaten kontaktiert werden. Bei Interesse kontaktieren Sie uns bitte direkt.

SLZ-Douala is recruiting from the 15th of January 2024 a receptionist to carry out the following tasks:

- physical and telephone reception of customers

- providing information on the start of courses, different levels, prices, etc.

- issuing and distribution of student cards

- distribution of evaluation forms to learners at the end of the course

- distribution of mail

- delivery of teaching materials to teachers

- filing of administrative documents

- forwarding learners' requests to management

- liaison between management and other members of staff

- carrying out various administrative tasks

Profile required:

-   Must have a university degree

-   Must be bilingual English / French (German an asset)

-   be polite and courteous

-    Visibly show an interest in the customer

-    Adapt your behaviour to the culture and image of the company

-    Be proactive and flexible (able to meet challenges)

-    Have a mindset that allows you to work in a team

-    A sense of ethics.


If you are interested in taking up this challenge, please send your application (CV, copy of highest diploma) to the SLZ secretariat or to the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  no later than the 11th of January 2024.

Marie Noelle Ntouba Ngolle (Director).
I am convinced that the best way to consolidate and disseminate one’s culture is to expose this cultural heritage to an intercultural interaction. It is true that no language can be the propriety of a group of people. But it is also true that the linguistic and cultural protectionism is not more than an anachronism today. I think that the intercultural exchange is an obligation and the international cooperation, a virtue.

Jérôme Amougou Ada (Financial administrator)
My unique goal is to help students of the SLZ to realise their dreams.

Jean Kouny (General Secretary)
Gold, money or diamonds alone cannot help someone be completely content. It is what he does with wealth that leads to his self-fulfillment.

Régine Ebangue
When you come to SLZ-Douala, you will be received by Régine Ebangue. She has been our secretary since our founding and will serve you with full commitment. Enthusiastic and passionate about photography and decoration, this young woman is remarkably serene.

Emmanuel Styven Ekobe:
I have been the SLZ librarian since April 2009. I am passionate about sports and music, as well as a member of the choir “NKA’A”.  My motto: simple and helpful. Never give up!

César Peguy Eba:
SLZ-Douala, a setting of friendship and love.

“There’s no time like the present. You always have to do your work to your best ability”

Marie George Kwedi
Long live the SLZ-Douala!

Loko Moutome
I found my balance through my work in SLZ-Douala. I pray to God that this school exists forever.

Marcel Teboup Foko
To me, teaching German is not only inviting learners to an expedition through the German culture. Afterwards students have the opportunity to take a look at oneself.

Robert Takam
My motto is “to do my best so that students can achieve their numerous goals in a great atmosphere”. SLZ-Douala and the Goethe Institute offer the appropriate place and means that I need to reach this significant idealism.

Balbine Tagne
What actually makes life beautiful? Love, love and more love. It means that we should not only love those who love us, but also those who do not deserve it. Isn’t that beautiful? This is real charity.

Sylvain Tchapet Dokou
Learning and teaching belong together. As a teacher, my main objectives is gaining more knowledge every day and to help students to get even better.

Cyrille Roger Akoa Ambassa
“Let man be a noble creature, helpful and good!” (Goethe). Our goal is to guide the students and ensure that they receive the best education possible. Our motto: “humanism, support, and helpfulness”. The SLZ-Douala, school of the future, gives a fresh impetus to you.

Omer Adaha Tadaha
“The stranger is a stranger because we do not know him”. The foreign language is foreign only because we have not learned it. That is my life philosophy. This is a desire for the unknown, for the exotic, for foreign languages. How many languages can I actually speak? It is not easy to answer this question spontaneously. There are languages that I need in everyday-life for communication, for my job.  Furthermore, there are languages that I only feel, that run in my blood. Those are languages of my emotions. Anyway, I need languages in all situations of my life.

Martine Bouwa
“To find people who feel and emphasize with us is truly the greatest joy on earth.”
(Carl Spitteler)

If you want to learn better German, I recommend to balance studying German and leisure time (but integrate more fun into studying German) and just practice, practice: that’s how a child becomes a man.

Serge-Calvin Eke
I live my life according to the principle “the early bird catches the worm” or “if you want to go far away, you should consider the ascending slope”

Susan Borrmann
Tell me, and I will forget.
Show me, and I may remember.
Involve me, and I will understand.

Nazaire Yetgwe
Even someone who does not have the required talent should not worry. Learning by playing is the right way to get knowledge.

Ghyslain Firmin Liyega Djo’o
Over the years, I have learned that languages are very important. They offer many opportunities. According to me, there is no difference between “speaking a language” and “cosmopolitanism”. With languages, it is possible to get in contact with other people and getting to know their world (history, culture, life philosophy etc…). SLZ gives us the chance, not only to learn German, but also to experience Germany better.

Lydie Eliane Koualong
“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”This old Chinese wisdom describes at best the art of teaching.

Honorine Monasanen
“To have and not to give is often worse than to steal

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach.